Prenatal Physiotherapy
Our team of experienced physiotherapists offers pregnancy physiotherapy services for women across the Penrith, Blue Mountains and Western Sydney regions.
Supporting Your Pregnancy From Bump to Birth
Confidently Navigate Your Journey To Motherhood With Pregnancy Physiotherapy Care
Our experienced team of Women’s Health physios are here to support and guide you through your pregnancy.
From new mothers to those who have done it all before, we can help your aches and pains as well as helping you prepare for birth. Find out more below.

How Can We Help You?

Back & Sacroiliac Pain
Don't put up with lower back pain during your pregnancy. Our experienced physios can help ease this discomfort for a better pregnancy experience.

Abdominal Muscle Separation
We can help prevent abdominal muscle separation with connective tissue strengthening, safe exercise advice and abdominal supports.

Birth Preparation
Preparation is key. We can help you prepare for birth and ensure your pelvic floor muscles are ready for what is to come! Why not consider a gift voucher for a birth preparation consultation.
Physiotherapy for Back Pain During Pregnancy
We can help with some of the physical discomforts of pregnancy, particularly low back pain, sciatica pain or sacral pain or sacroiliac pain, pelvic girdle pain, symphysis pubis dysfunction (sometimes called SPD, or ‘lightning crotch’), groin pain, or hip pain.
We can show you the best stability, mobility or core rebalancing exercises for you, or use hands-on joint mobilisation or myofascial release techniques when needed. We can also provide stability belt fitting.
Don’t let anyone tell you to put up with any kind of back or hip pain when pregnant.
Treat it early before it really slows you down!

Physiotherapy for Abdominal Muscle Separation
The best way to prevent an abdominal muscle separation is probably to strengthen the connective tissue down the centre of your belly before or as it stretches.
We can tell you if you are activating your abdominal muscles well, and can help you with safe abdominal exercise advice. We can advise or supply external abdominal binders and supports if needed.
Once you have had your baby, we can support you with postnatal physiotherapy to help you recover fully.

Birth Preparation
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy During Pregnancy
We can provide individual pelvic floor conditioning advice to see you through pregnancy and delivery. Birthing athletes need balanced pelvic floor muscles with good flexibility, strength, endurance, range of motion, relaxation, and control.
We recommend you see us early in your pregnancy, at 12-16 weeks, for the first assessment, but if you are already further along, better late than never!
Gaining good hip and pelvic muscle and joint flexibility will give you more options for labour and delivery positions, and might help prevent pelvic girdle pain. You may wish to see us from 20 weeks onwards for an assessment of your hip and pelvic mobility.
Some parts of the pelvic floor have to stretch 2-3 times their normal length to deliver a baby! No other muscle in the human body can stretch this much and remain intact! We can make sure these parts of the pelvic floor aren’t tight, teach you perineal massage techniques, teach you some push-training technique, and coach you in the use of the Epi-No Birth Trainer to help your tissues stay flexible. It is a good idea to see us at about 34 weeks for this.
For a unique and helpful baby shower present, Individual Birth Preparation Gift Vouchers are available.