Transgender Physiotherapy

Our team of experienced pelvic health physiotherapists offers physiotherapy services for transgender health across Sydney.

Working Towards Better Pelvic Health For Every Body

Experienced Transgender Health Physiotherapists Helping You Through Every Stage Of Your Journey

We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to transgender men and women following gender affirmation surgery, with a focus on optimising recovery and improving pelvic health outcomes.

Our team understands the unique challenges that come with gender affirmation surgeries. We are committed to providing personalised care that meets your individual needs and help you achieve a more functional outcome from your surgery.

Find out more about how we can help below.

transgender physiotherapy

How Can We Help You?

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Physiotherapy for Transwomen

If you have had gender affirming surgery, our pelvic physiotherapists can support you and help you adjust to this surgery.

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Physiotherapy for Transmen

Using a prosthetic or stand-to-pee device can lead to pain and tightness. Our experienced physiotherapists can help you ease this discomfort.

Physiotherapy for Transwomen

If you are preparing for bottom surgery you may need help with breathing and pelvic stretching exercises.

If you have had gender affirming surgery and have a newly created vulva and vagina you will need to keep the passage open and flexible with vaginal dilators. You might need support to do this, particularly to help the pelvic floor muscles relax so you can progress up the sizes.

Physiotherapists can also provide help with shoulder and chest mobility after breast mammoplasty.

Physiotherapy for Transmen

Use of a prosthetic packing device or a stand-to-pee device can lead to pain and tightness in the inner thigh and pelvic floor muscles and it may be helpful to learn to relax and lengthen these muscles. Good pelvic floor muscle control and good pubic/clitoral connective tissue mobility is important prior to metoidioplasty and good donor flap and skin graft site mobility is important prior to phalloplasty. Both can be achieved through myofascial release and stretching and relaxation exercises.

Transmen who have undergone top surgery (mastectomy) may need help with scar management, shoulder and mid back mobility, and upper body strengthening.

Trans and non-binary people can need physiotherapy care for pelvic health conditions that anyone can experience, regardless of gender. These conditions include bladder leakage, bowel leakage, genital pain, and prolapse.

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