Women's Health Physiotherapy Blue Mountains

Providing quality women's health physiotherapy services spanning from Glenbrook, Springwood, Katoomba, and all areas in between.

Take The First Step Towards Better Pelvic Health

Women's Health Physiotherapy For Lifelong Wellbeing

At Penrith Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, we understand the unique health challenges faced by women at different stages of their lives.

Penrith Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, nestled in the heart of Penrith, extends its pelvic health services to the broader Blue Mountains community.

Our clinic is led by Blue Mountains local and Principal Physiotherapist Kylie Liversidge. Kylie brings close to three decades of physiotherapy experience to address the unique health needs of women from various stages of life.

Book online today to take control of your pelvic health. 

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Dedicated Women's Health Physiotherapy Services In The Blue Mountains

Our Women’s Health Physiotherapy services cater to women at every stage of life, from adolescence through to menopause and beyond. We provide personalised physiotherapy treatments for a diverse range of pelvic and sexual health conditions, including:

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We provide assessment and treatment for bladder leakage, urgency, and other related issues, helping you regain confidence and control.

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Vaginal Prolapse

Our pelvic health physiotherapists provide support and treatments to alleviate the discomfort and symptoms associated with vaginal prolapse.

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Bowel Health

We address bowel-related problems such as straining, incontinence, and prolapse.

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Surgical Recovery

We assist in your recovery from pelvic surgeries like hysterectomy, making your post-operative journey smoother and more comfortable.

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Sexual Health

Our sensitive care options include treatments for painful sex and other sexual health concerns, enhancing your well-being and comfort.

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Core Strengthening

We can help you focus on regaining and enhancing core strength post-pregnancy or surgery with our personalised programs including Pilates.

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Breast Care

We provide comprehensive management of conditions such as mastitis and support through breast cancer treatments.

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Pregnancy and Post Natal Care

From managing back and pelvic pain during pregnancy to aiding recovery post-childbirth, our services support you every step of the way.

Proudly Providing Tailored Pelvic Health Physiotherapy To The Blue Mountains Community

We are proud to help women from various locations across the Blue Mountains including Glenbrook, Blaxland, Springwood, Mount Riverview, Winmalee, Woodford, Lawson and even as far as Wentworth Falls and Katoomba.
Our aim is to make pelvic health physiotherapy accessible to all which is why we also offer Telehealth appointments for those who prefer this option. 
Our commitment to pelvic health physiotherapy has made us a preferred clinic of choice for clients seeking quality care for bladder, bowel, sexual health, or pain conditions.

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We care about women’s health

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We are Dedicated to pelvic floor health

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We Provide Quality care from a friendly team

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We Have Private consultation rooms

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We Have Space available for baby and support person

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We Have Accessible parking and ramp access

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We Provide Tailored assessment and treatment plans

Our Pelvic Health Services Beyond Women's Health

Our services aren’t just for women. We will help anyone who has a pelvic floor!

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Men's Health Physiotherapy

Our skilled team of pelvic health physiotherapists have a particular focus on men's pelvic health. Whether you're dealing with discomfort or performance issues, we're here to offer assistance.

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Pelvic Health for Children & Teens

Our pelvic health physiotherapy team provides care for children and teenagers dealing with various pelvic floor issues, including bedwetting, constipation, soiling, and pelvic pain.

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Our pelvic health physiotherapy team offers compassionate care and support tailored to transwomen, transmen, and non-binary individuals.

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Spinal, Hip & Core

Our team has expertise in delivering musculoskeletal physiotherapy aimed at alleviating various muscle and joint discomforts.

Book Your Appointment At Our Clinic Today

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